Spotify Flowers

Music Visualization with Spotify by Sarina Chen featuring one of my favorite Electro Swing albums: Robot Face by Caravan Palace. This is a static version of my work because I can no longer host my actual version for free. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

This display is my flower shop featuring the musical album Robot Face. I keep each song in a vase. These arrangements consists of flowers, with each bud representing a section in the music with its stem positioned in order of when the song plays. The size of the flower corresponds to the loudness of the section. Each petal is a musical bar, which progresses clockwise within each flower. The colors in each petal represent different pitches moving from the center to the tips.

01 Lone Digger

✿ $3.50 ✿

Vase of 118 Petals across 11 Flowers

02 Comics

✿ $3.33 ✿

Vase of 78 Petals across 9 Flowers

03 Mighty (feat. JFTH)

✿ $3.22 ✿

Vase of 103 Petals across 9 Flowers

04 Aftermath

✿ $3.06 ✿

Vase of 107 Petals across 9 Flowers

05 Wonderland

✿ $3.11 ✿

Vase of 82 Petals across 9 Flowers

06 Tattoos

✿ $3.27 ✿

Vase of 103 Petals across 11 Flowers

07 Midnight

✿ $3.26 ✿

Vase of 79 Petals across 8 Flowers

08 Russian

✿ $4.01 ✿

Vase of 123 Petals across 11 Flowers

09 Wonda

✿ $3.44 ✿

Vase of 98 Petals across 8 Flowers

10 Human Leather Shoes for Crocodile Dandies

✿ $4.34 ✿

Vase of 138 Petals across 14 Flowers

11 Lay Down

✿ $3.09 ✿

Vase of 183 Petals across 11 Flowers

See more work by Sarina Chen